Azalea Rhododendron 'Vivid' Red Qty 40 Live Flowering Evergreen Plants
Azalea Rhododendron 'Vivid' Red Qty 40 Live Flowering Evergreen Plants
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Azalea Rhododendron 'Vivid' Red Qty 40 Live Flowering Evergreen Plants

$ 131.86


For sale, I have a (40) count tray of fully rooted 2" Vivid Red Azaleas. This evergreen azalea blooms bright red flowers several times a year. Its semi-dwarf growth habit reaches 3-6 feet tall(3-6 feet wide). It is ideally used as a screen, accent, hedge, and to highlight areas. For large quantity discount consideration, please message us. Thanks!
  • Beautiful Red Blooms
  • Great for Mass Plantings
Beautiful Red Blooms