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Bavarian Oktoberfest Trachten Lederhosen Above knee shorts shirt shoe and socks (32, Light brown)
You are at a perfect place at perfect time.Here you will find all of your needs related to Bavarian Oktoberfest dress fulfilled.You can choose any size of lederhosen,any size of shirt and socks and shoe size from 42 to 46to get this amazing deal.Here you can select only lederhosen bundhosen sizes.for shirt,shoes and socks you will have to send us an email via amazon buyer seller message.This is the perfect deal to get your complete outfit for upcoming Oktoberfest.for more products please visit our amazon store front.there you will found all you need to go to attend this years oktoberfest.
- COMPLETE DRESS DEAL,lederhosen+shirt+shoes+socks+suspenders
- Traditional Bavarian Halloween Style Costumes
- Pure cow suede short,Polycotton shirt,suede upper of shoes and rubber sole
- Option of choosing Blue shirt as well ABOVE KNEE LEDERHOSEN
- Pure Oktoberfest trachten bundhosen lederhosen complete Dress deal