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fordbox Popular Men's Wave Enigma 5 Running Shoe Chinese Red/Black12 D(M) US
12 D(M) US
Shoes are essential goods in our life.Owing a pair of high quality shoes is good for us.We promise to provide you the best shoes in our store.The shoes can be use in different occacions,such as office days or take sports or relaxtion time.Note,please read the size chart carefully,and choose one you like.And the color maybe not 100% similarity with the photos but 98%.If you have any questions,please leave an message for us,and we'll reply you as soon as possible.
- With the best material.Synthetic/Mesh
- Shipping from China about 7-15 days.Imported
- Suitable for any occasions.
- Read the note carefully,and select one you like.
- Popular style with reasonable price.