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Ride Hard. Ride Free. There's nothing worse than riding into a 'free state' and not having a place to ditch that lid. So, if you travel between the states that do and don't give you the right to choose...Helmet-HogTM is the perfect accessory for you and your ride. The unique design of the Helmet-HogTM securely holds half dome helmets in place and straps easily onto most bikes in seconds. Carry a Spare Helmet. Ever been caught without a spare Helmet? Picking someone up but you don't know where to secure it? Or better yet... meet someone and you can't go for a ride because you don't have a spare Helmet. Helmet-HogTM is the perfect accessory for your motorcycle..... It carries more than a Helmet........!
- Bungee Cord is stitched into the material - No fumbling around with set up
- Soft Material will not scratch your hemet
- Keep a second helmet on your bike for a second rider