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John Deere Key Switch ignition Module LX172 LX176 AM120105 AM131841
New key switch ignition module with key for a John Deere lawn tractor. This is the complete board and key switch combo and will fit the following models LX172 above serial # A0900001, B110001 and C110001, LX176 with serial # above A110001, B110001, and X077839, GT242 with serial # A027345- , B025018-, C025191-, and D035001- and above. GT262 with serial numbers above A045001, B045001, X029205. GT275 with serial numbers above B045001, C045001, and D045001 The part number is AM120105. If your mower will not start and the switch feels soft or will not respond correctly chances are you need this switch. However I would suggest having it checked before buying this to make sure since electrical parts are not returnable. Again this is a brand new factory original John Deere part.
We cannot sell parts and accessories to any person or business that is engaged in selling used equipment, repairing or providing maintenance services on equipment, or a person or business that is primarily engaged in renting equipment to end users. We reserve the right to cancel the sale of any item to anyone who is not the end user of the product.
We cannot sell parts and accessories to any person or business that is engaged in selling used equipment, repairing or providing maintenance services on equipment, or a person or business that is primarily engaged in renting equipment to end users. We reserve the right to cancel the sale of any item to anyone who is not the end user of the product.
- John Deere Key Switch ignition Module LX172 LX176 AM120105 AM131841
- See below description for product details
- See full description for part details.