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Light Green Pearl Crimped Necklace, Earrings and Bracelet
Necklace, Earrings and Bracelet are crimped. the necklace is a three-strand necklace. Professional quality beading wire is used to make jewelry by T & J. Wired jewelry should be hung. Jewelry by T & J Creations is beaded on professional quality beading wire, which adds to its beauty and durability, making it an heirloom. Jewelry should be hung to prevent wire from eventually bending. We have a Wall Jewelry Hanger in this category, which I highly recommend for your jewelry. Not only will your jewelry be beautiful for a very long time, it is also very convenient to see your jewelry all at once. Take a peak at our Wall Jewelry Hanger at: https://sellercentral.amazon.com/products/edit?sku=D0-19N9-F5JO&asin=B01HLHB06W&productType=GUILD_JEWELRY&marketplaceId=ATVPDKIKX0DER#image