Makeblock Me Line Follower
Makeblock Me Line Follower
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Makeblock Me Line Follower

$ 15.99


Makeblock is an open source construction platform that turns your ideas into reality, no matter what your idea is and however impossible it looks like. Makeblock will make it possible by providing various mechanical parts, electronic modules and software. Makeblock has become one of the best intelligent hardware companies that strive to make differences.

Me Line Follower V2.2 module is designed for the line following robotics. It has two sensors on the module and each sensor contains two parts - an IR emitting LED and an IR sensitive phototransistor. It can output digital signal to Arduino so the robot can reliably follow a black line on a white background, or vice versa.
Detecting range: 1~2cm
  • Comes with Arduino library for easy programing.
  • Easy wiring with 6 Pin RJ25 interface. 2.54mm breakout pins for connecting with jumper wires.
  • Labeled with blue tag and compatible with Me-Base Shield
  • 16mm interval M4 mounting holes, compatible with Makeblock beams.
  • A power indicator LED and two sensor state indicator LED.
Comes with Arduino library for easy programing.Makeblock