Mediterranean Talisman Amulet Evil Eye Glass Wall Hanging Art
I made it a habit of sending a gift with my orders since the day I started online sales. Most of the orders came from the USA and Canada. I always believed a gift from my culture and reflecting my culture would be the best gift. Something simple but memorable.
Popularly know in the west as 'evil eye' these talismans have been my gift to my customers since day 1. For bigger orders I sent these wall hangings and for the others fridge magnets.
Although there is no scientific research on this, these evil eyes are believed to protect you. Well most people wouldn't know that they would only protect from envy and jealousy. I presume the blue absobs the negative energy that would arise from a jeaoluos/envious look. And thats where the legand comes from. No matter what the truth is, these talismans are nice to have around.
I have received a lot of compliments and demand for these objects so I decided to put them for sale.
I can't deny that I am not fully responsible for the making of these talismans as I am not a glass artist. So I outsurce the glass sections and put the finishing touches myself.
From head to toe approximately 17 inches The diameter of the talisman approximately 5.5 inches The talisman sections are handmade glass (you may observe some irregularities) and the rest is handwoven wool.
She is not too large not too small, I believe have an ideal size, the size I use at home myself.