Modified Citrus Pectin Remedys Nutrition Vegetarian MEGA STRENGTH 1000 mg per Organic VCap/ 60.000 mg per bottle vcap
Modified Citrus Pectin Remedys Nutrition Vegetarian MEGA STRENGTH 1000 mg per Organic VCap/ 60.000 mg per bottle vcap
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Modified Citrus Pectin Remedys Nutrition Vegetarian MEGA STRENGTH 1000 mg per Organic VCap/ 60.000 mg per bottle vcap

$ 17.49


Modified citrus pectin (MCP) is a form of pectin that has been altered so that it can be more easily absorbed by the digestive tract. Pectin is a carbohydrate that is made of hundreds or thousands of sugar molecules chemically linked together. It is found in most plants and is particularly plentiful in the peels of apples, citrus fruits, and plums. In modified citrus pectin, the pectin has been chemically altered to break its molecules into smaller pieces.
  • Organic, Non-constipating, No fillers, No preservatives, All natural, no GMO
Organic, Non-constipating, No fillers, No preservatives, All natural, no GMOREMEDY'S NUTRITION