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Morganite gemstone pendant with Pink Fire Azeztulite, wire wrapped in copper. The Deep Inner Work of Emotional Self-Healing
Morganite is highly recommended to anyone who wishes to do serious inner work and emotional self-healing. It can not only cleanse and activate the heart, bringing it into harmony with the Divine plan for one's life, it can also awaken one to an awareness that one's suffering and pain serve the higher purpose of one's spiritual growth. In this way, Morganite allows one to become aware of the huge ocean of cosmic love within which we all exist. Working with it gives one the opportunity to surrender oneself to the immense power of Divine love and to let it show one one's life path more clearly. Wearing Morganite for extended periods of time leads to a growth of confidence and power that comes only from being constantly aware of one's connection to Divine love. To further enhance what is available we chose to combine the Morganite with Pink Fire Azeztulite. This stone is a powerful ally for bringing an infusion of unconditional love into one's energy field. With out being grounded in this unconditional frequency, the forgiveness which must accompany healing any heart wounding is difficult, if not impossible. The intensity of the love emanated by it can dissolve rigid patterns of old pain and the discouragement of having felt abandoned or unloved. Pink Fire Azeztulite can reveal to one that wears or meditates with it, exactly where these kinds of wounds lay buried in the dark of one's unconsciousness, bringing the brilliant light of Divine Love to the most painful of our memories. Once the wounds have been uncovered and brought into conscious awareness, Pink Azeztulite goes to work to begin healing them. It resonates with spiritual currents of forgiving, of loving, of gentleness, of softness, calm, quiet, certainty, loyalty and most important, heartfelt compassion. Until such compassion can be freely given, one is unable to heal one's deepest woundings.