Ooowee Wooden Trike which converts to a balance bike! by Kidzmotion
Ooowee Wooden Trike which converts to a balance bike! by Kidzmotion
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Ooowee Wooden Trike which converts to a balance bike! by Kidzmotion

$ 155.08


2-in-1 design! Trike converts to Balance Bike as your child grows, Birch plywood frame with unique flame design;Perfect fit for most 2 years to 4 year olds (please measure inside leg);30cm stand over clearance, 23cm BMX style wheels with rubber inflatable tyres;Soft padded seat, Adjustable saddle height (30, 32, 34cm), Dampened steering;Soft plastic handgrips with safety ends, 83 x 41 x 49cm (LxWxH) - in trike mode
  • Ooowee Wooden Trike which converts to a balance bike!
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Ooowee Wooden Trike which converts to a balance bike!Kidzmotion