Philodendron PRINCE OF ORANGE live house plant
Philodendron PRINCE OF ORANGE live house plant
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Philodendron PRINCE OF ORANGE live house plant

$ 29.90


This is for one 4" potted Philodendron PRINCE OF ORANGE live house plant. Prince of orange is a philodendron hybrid that grows up to 2 feet tall. It is self-heading rather than vining, with the large leaves growing from a center base. The older leaves fall off, making way for new growth. "Prince of Orange" leaves start out a bright coppery orange color, changing to light green as they age. Philodendron "Prince of Orange" grows outdoors in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 and above, but its low light and low humidity requirements make it well-suited to indoor container growing
  • arge leaves growing from a center base
  • Prince of Orange
  • easy to grow
  • excellent additions to your rare plant collection
  • ships to worldwide
arge leaves growing from a center base