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Primitive URSUS Hoodie
Primitive URSUS HoodieHoodies have Primitive URSUS Hoodiebeen a documented part of men's and women's wear for centuries. The wordhoodderives from the Anglo-Saxon wordhod,[1]ultimately of the same root as Englishhat.[2]The garment's style and form can be traced back toMedieval Europewhen the normal clothing formonksincluded a hood called acowlattached to atunicor robes,[3]and achaperonor hooded cape was very commonly worn by any outdoors worker. Its appearance was known in England at least as early as the 12th century, possibly an import with theNorman conquest of England, as thecapawas "a short hooded cloak which was commons in Normandy".[1]The hooded sweatshirt was first produced in theUnited Statesstarting in the 1930s. The modern clothing style was first produced byChampionin the 1930s and marketed to laborers working in freezing temperatures inupstate New York.[4]The termhoodieentered popular usage in the 1990s.[5]The hoodie took off in the1970s, with several factors contributing to its success.Hip hop culturedeveloped inNew York Cityaround this time, and high fashion also contributed during this era, as Norma Kamali and other high-profile designers embraced and glamorized the new clothing.[3]Most critical to the hoodie's popularity during this time was its iconic appearance in the blockbusterRockyfilm.[citation needed]The rise of hoodies with university logos began around this time.Primitive