Silk Blush Pink Winter Wedding Bouquet Sage and Dahlia - Silk Bouquet
With a soft and feminine color scheme, this bouquet can be a hit during any wedding season. Featured is the Medium/Regular size Bouquet. Includes:
- Pink Blush Large Dahlia
- Blush Roses
- Lambs Ear Sage Filler
- Cream Roses
Available sizes (diameter across flowers):
- Mini 6"
- Small 8"
- Regular 9-10"
- Large 11-12"
- X-Large 13"
- Giant 14-15"
Stem/Handle options: Full or partial ribbon in color of your choice. Recommended: Ivory satin, ivory lace, blush satin, pink satin, burlap canvas, burlap twine.
Wedding sets: Typically boutonnieres are $15 each, corsages are $20 each, centerpieces or accent pieces are $35-$150 each depending on size and materials, and individual bouquets can range from $35-$150 each depending on requested size and materials. Please see individual bouquet pages for details. Please contact me with any questions or custom requests! Let me know what will help make your wedding day or special occasion perfect! Individual stems may slightly vary depending no available stock.