Suma, 500 mg, 60 Tablets by Planetary Herbals
Suma, 500 mg, 60 Tablets by Planetary Herbals
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Suma, 500 mg, 60 Tablets by Planetary Herbals

$ 55.61


Pfaffia Paniculata;Brazilian tonifier;Herbal Supplement;Approved by Michael Tierra L.Ac, O.M.D;The original name of suma was Para Todo, which in Spanish means for all things. This root has been used for centuries among the indigenous people of Brazil as a powerful tonic. It is rich in a unique class of compounds known as pfaffiosides and beta-ecdysones.
  • Suma, 500 mg, 60 Tablets
  • 60 Tabs
Suma, 500 mg, 60 TabletsPlanetary Herbals