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TRT Qianhu Qian Hu Radix Peucedani Whiteflower Hogfennel Root 前胡 100gram
- Quantity: 100 gram. Packaged on 06/12/2016.
- Produced from Anhui, China. Manufactured by Beijing Tongrentang Bozhou Chinese Medicine Co., Ltd. Packaged and distributed by XIYAOPENG LLC.
- 本品为伞形科植物白花前胡Peucedanum praeruptorum Dunn的干燥根。冬季至次春茎叶枯萎或未
- Hogfennel Root is the dried root of Peucedanum praeruptorum Dunn or Peucedanum decursivum Maxim. (Fam. Umbelliferae). The drug is collected in winter and next spring, when the stem and leaf is withered or before the floral stem grows, removed from rootlet