25 SEED St. John's Wort Seeds - Fragrant yellow flowers..Very easy to grow!!
25 SEED St. John's Wort Seeds - Fragrant yellow flowers..Very easy to grow!!
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25 SEED St. John's Wort Seeds - Fragrant yellow flowers..Very easy to grow!!

$ 6.87


St. John's Wort Seeds St John's Wort plant is a short, woody shrub that grows about 24 inches tall and has fragrant yellow flowers from mid to late summer. Hypericum St John's Wort was apparently named after John the Baptist, and historically has been used to ward off evil spirits and witches. As an herb plant, the oil in the leaves have been used topically for wounds, sunburns, and general aches and pains. St John's Wort herb has also been used to treat mild depression and insomnia with some success. St. John's Wort ground cover is often used to cover areas along side walks and driveways. St. John's Wort seeds are easy to grow. Plant the herb seeds indoors 6 - 8 weeks before the last frost, or outside after danger of frost has passed. Press the Hypericum seeds into the soil, but do not cover it as the seed will germinate better with light. Transplant the Hypericum seedlings when they are 2 - 3 inches tall. The plants will tolerate most any soil conditions but prefer moist and light soils. Fertilizer is only necessary in the poorest of soils, and water in prolonged drought times. This flower earned its name by blooming at the time of the summer solstice, when the traditional feast of St. John takes place. Its reputed power to chase away evil comes from its effectiveness as an herbal treatment for depression and melancholy, which at one time were believed to be a sign of demonic oppression. The species name "punctatum" meaning "punctured" alludes to the tiny black spots on the leaves and blossoms; in reality, these are not holes but glands that contain the oils of the plant. The term "wort" comes from the Old English, referring to a plant commonly used for medicinal or herbal purposes.
  • St. John's Wort Seeds - Fragrant yellow flowers..Very easy to grow!!
St. John's Wort Seeds - Fragrant yellow flowers..Very easy to grow!!